Full DGN editing and manipulation: eCADLite provides you with a complete range of editing, element creation and manipulation tools, a full set of drawing tools, advanced cell handling and dimensioning for all of your CAD data.
Access to native DGN data: eCADLite reads native DGN data, which means there are no complex data translation issues. Your 2D MicroStation data will work as well in eCADLite as it does in MicroStation.
Easy-to-use, fully functional plotting: eCADLite provides the tools to easily plot your MicroStation data. In fact, plotting with eCADLite is as simple as printing an Excel spreadsheet! Sheet composition, title block fill, and accurate scaling can all be done quickly and efficiently. And eCADLite¿s plot tools allow for a full range of plotter formats, paper sizes, and plotting options in a simple interface that enables easy control and production of prints and plots.
Small Hardware Footprint: Tired of upgrading your desktop PC every time you upgrade your CAD software? eCADLite provides all this functionality with just a 20 Mbyte hard disk requirement and a low RAM requirement.
Unique Value: eCADLite has taken MicroStation data further by offering unique functionality not available elsewhere. This includes direct editing of cell and symbol libraries, direct viewing of raster and bitmap files, referencing of DWG/DXF file formats, and AXP file formats which support multiple drawing sheets and multiple redline layers.
Unique Accessibility: eCADLite is instantly available with online purchasing from the GraphStore website. And, eCADLite will soon be available as an easily accessible application service across the Internet. Facilitated by its small footprint and low memory requirement, eCADLite is perfectly positioned to respond to the needs of all MicroStation users ¿ through both traditional desktop software, or via the ¿new economy¿ software services on a pay-per-use basis.
At GraphStore, we believe that easy access to your data is not a privilege for which you should have to pay a premium. Now you have an alternative ¿- turn to eCADLite to gain the return on investment that you expect.